Community Donation Highlight: This month, SCR donated a percentage of our net profits to Nick’s House is a 5-bedroom single family home in Southbridge, MA that temporarily houses veterans (aka ‘our guests’) who are transitioning back to civilian life. Terry and Pam Parker started the Nick Perry Memorial Foundation, a non-profit organization, in 2012. Their goal – helping the community one soldier at a time. Nick’s House provides a safe place to stay and resources to help guests get back on their feet. Though most guests cannot work, if able to work, a guest chips in to pay utilities and also gives a portion of their monthly income towards a savings account. When transitioning out of Nick’s House and into their own place, their savings is returned to them – providing a cushion to help buy a home, car or perhaps first and last month’s rent. The Parkers rely on donations to keep the Nick Perry Memorial Foundation running. 100% of the donations go to helping the Veterans. Nick’s House does not receive any grants or government funding.
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